DUNS Number


541513 541519 541511 541512 238210 611430 541330 541618 541990

MK2 Logo

We are excited to support GSA and the federal government in their mission and support the life cycle of the various IT systems.

Darrell Leonard, ManCom’s President and CEO

MK2 Technologies is a strategic partnership between Management Communications Incorporated (ManCom Inc.) and Karthik Consulting. This partnership was formed based on over 15 years of collaborative engagements and best business practices between ManCom and Karthik Consulting. The Joint Venture is an 8(a), VOSB, Hub Zone that focuses on Agile Software Development, Cyber Security, Operations and Maintenance, Program Management, Staff Augmentation, Digitization, Records Management and Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS), Microsoft 365 Licensing and Consulting Services, SharePoint Design and Development, Website Development and Section 508 Compliance. Additionally, MK2 offers Information Technology Certification Training through an industry leader in IT Training. MK2 Technologies is also ISO 9001:2015, 20000-1:2011, 27001:2013 and CMMI-DEV Level 3 certified and hold the DoD Critical Data Handling Certification. ManCom Inc. and Karthik Consulting have deep trust and personal professional relationships that have fostered collaborative working relationships and offered best value to the customers we support.

As a part of the Joint Venture, ManCom Inc. brings a full line of information technology support services to include Help Desk, Website Development, Microsoft 365 licensing and consulting for Federal, DoD and Academic, Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS), digitization and document scanning, systems administration and security, network engineering and end user training. ManCom have active contracts in place supporting all industries to include Federal, Academic and Commercial customers. (People First – Mission Always)

As a part of the Joint Venture, ManCom Inc. brings a full line of information technology Karthik Consulting brings a wealth of talent, knowledge and capabilities to the Joint Venture providing services such as Agile Software Development, Cyber Security, Project Management, Information Operations and Maintenance. Karthik Consulting excels in Cyber Security and developing case studies directly proportional and assisting organizations applying for and receiving their Authorization to Operate (ATO).  Additionally, Karthik Consulting has excellent Agile Software Development capabilities such as, but not limited to; systems integration, cloud-based development, application modernization, Waterfall to Agile Transition, Agile Enterprise Scale and Content Management Systems. (Beyond the Expected).

As a part of the Joint Venture, ManCom Inc. brings a full line of information technology support services to include Help Desk, Website Development, Microsoft 365 licensing and consulting for Federal, DoD and Academic, Electronic Records Together, ManCom Inc and Karthik Consulting provides dynamic service offerings that is scalable, reliable, skilled, and knowledgeable to support organizational transformation or support services. It is our sincere belief that our support services, approach methodology, project management and service quality and attention  to detail represents best in class. (One Team – One Fight)

ManCom Inc. Wins GSA STARS III 8a Prime Contract

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Phoenix, AZ June 17, 2021: Management Communications Incorporated (ManCom Inc.) today announced that its Joint Venture (JV) company, MK2 Technologies LLC, has won a prime contract (47QTCB21D0109) on the new 10-yr GSA STARS III 8a Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle.  This $50B multiple award IDIQ contract, will enable ManCom Inc. (through our JV) to compete for task orders to support all task areas under the scope of STARS III across all federal agencies:

C.1 – Information Technology Services: Typical IT services covered under this area include:

(1) Data Management

(2) Information and Communications Technology

(3) IT Operations and Maintenance

(4) IT Security / IT workforce augmentation

(5) Software Development

(6) Systems Design

C.2 – Sub-Area 1: Emerging Technology-Focused IT Services: This sub-area provides for IT services-based solutions which involve emerging technology (ET) innovation to securely accelerate transformation and advance mission outcomes. ET covered under STARS III include. but are not limited to:

(1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) (including Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning/Neural Networks, Natural Language Generation)

(2) Autonomic Computing

(3) Blockchain / Distributed Ledger

(4) Quantum Computing

(5) Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

(6) Technological Convergence

(7) Virtual Reality (VR) (including Augmented Reality, Extended Reality, Mixed Reality)

C.2 – Sub-Area 2: IT Services performed outside of CONUS: This sub-area provides for IT services-based solutions to be performed outside the contiguous United States (OCONUS).

C.3 – Ancillary Support: Ancillary Services (IT project planning/management; training; wireless transport, telecommunications; etc.) and Ancillary Equipment (HW/SW, licenses etc.) that are integral and necessary for the IT services-based solution.

“We are excited to support GSA and the federal government in their mission and support the life cycle of the various IT systems” said Darrell Leonard, ManCom’s President and CEO.

Karthik Consulting wins GSA STARS III 8a prime contract

In News by admin (

Reston, VA June 17, 2021: Karthik Consulting, LLC (KC) today announced that its Joint Venture (JV) company, MK2 Technologies LLC, has won a prime contract (47QTCB21D0109) on the new 10-yr GSA STARS III 8a Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle. This $50B multiple award IDIQ contract, will enable Karthik Consulting (through our JV) to compete for task orders to support all task areas under the scope of STARS III across all federal agencies:

C.1 – Information Technology Services: Typical IT services covered under this area include:

(1) Data Management
(2) Information and Communications Technology
(3) IT Operations and Maintenance
(4) IT Security / IT workforce augmentation
(5) Software Development
(6) Systems Design

C.2 – Sub-Area 1: Emerging Technology-Focused IT Services: This sub-area provides for IT services-based solutions which involve emerging technology (ET) innovation to securely accelerate transformation and advance mission outcomes. ET covered under STARS III include. but are not limited to:
(1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) (including Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning/Neural Networks, Natural Language Generation)
(2) Autonomic Computing
(3) Blockchain / Distributed Ledger
(4) Quantum Computing
(5) Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
(6) Technological Convergence
(7) Virtual Reality (VR) (including Augmented Reality, Extended Reality, Mixed Reality)

C.2 – Sub-Area 2: IT Services performed outside of CONUS: This sub-area provides for IT services-based solutions to be performed outside the contiguous United States (OCONUS).

C.3 – Ancillary Support: Ancillary Services (IT project planning/management; training; wireless transport, telecommunications; etc.) and Ancillary Equipment (HW/SW, licenses etc.) that are integral and necessary for the IT services-based solution.

“We are excited to support GSA and the federal government in their mission and support the life cycle of the various IT systems” said Karthik Balasubramanian, KC’s President and CEO.

“We look forward to continuing our winning tradition from STARS II and deliver exceptional value to our customers”, said Felix Martin, KC’s VP for Business development and Capture.